ESR 12 - Yuanli Liu
Yuanli is a PhD student at Aalborg University, Department of the Build Environment. Her study is focused on the detection of microplastic in complex environmental matrices (MPs) and the development of new analytical procedures related to automated MP identification. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Environmental Engineering from China University of Petroleum, China. She spent half a year studying at Texas A&M University (US) as an exchange student. She received her Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Zhejiang University, China. During her Master thesis, she developed an enhanced coagulation strategy for antimony (V) removal from textile wastewater matrices and heavy metal removal by adsorption. She also took part in “The 13th Five-Year Plan Water Pollution Control and Treatment Technology Major Special Project”, where she was responsible for antimony(V) removal from textile wastewater plant.

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