KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university level is provided by KTH. KTH participates in international research collaborations and a large number of educational exchange or joint programmes with universities and colleges the world over. KTH has a track record of successful national and international project management and coordination and is at present (2014) involved in more than 200 on-going EU projects of which around 180 belong to the Seventh Framework Programme. Of the latter, more than 50 are coordinated by KTH. Extensive support exists at KTH to assist coordinators. The multidisciplinary team in this project, headed by Prof Aman Russom, is located at the Swedish national research center Science for Life Laboratory, located at the Karolinska medical university’s campus. Dr. Russom has an internationally recognized know-how in microfluidics. He has strong organizational and communication skills in multinational, multidisciplinary teams proven by his previous experience having managed and participated in 5 previous EU projects and is currently working on additional 2 EU projects as WP leader.

Role and Commitment of key persons
(including supervisors)
Prof. Aman Russom –co-supervisor of ESR3 and ESR4 (30%).
Dr. Håkan Jönsson, associate professor, co-supervisor of ESR3 and ESR4 (20%)

Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment
KTH has a state-of-the-art cleanroom at KTH microelectronics laboratory in Kista, comprising 1200m2 of cleanroom area with all the facilities for micro- and nanofabrication and for research on and development of special purpose structures. The participating group has joint facilities such as laser, bioimaging and cell culture facilities, and Nanofabrication laboratory. Furthermore, we have completely equipped biological laboratory at Science for Life Laboratory. The combined equipment provides an excellent experimental foundation for state-of-the-art research.

Status of Research premises
Research premises owned by the beneficiary and independent from other beneficiaries and/or partner organisations in the consortium.

Previous Involvement in Research and Training Programmes
KTH has a track record of successful national and international project management and coordination and is at pre-sent (2014) involved in more than 200 on-going EU projects. The participating group has been involved in the following EU projects:
FP7: CanDo, A CANcer Development mOnitor. Circulating tumor cell analysis in pancreatic cancer including cell counting and mutation profiling.
IMI: RAPP-ID, Development of rapid point-of-care test platforms for infectious diseases
FP7: Digital Sequencing, Massive digital sequencing by binary DNA
FP6 Intopsens: a highly INTegrated OPtical SENSor for point-of-care label-free identification of pathogenic bacteria strains and their antibiotic resistance (coordinator)

Current Involvement in Research and Training Programmes
KTH participating team is currently a partner on 1 ITN and 1 IMI-EU project:
ITN: ND4ID, New Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases
IMI: iConsensus, Integrated control and sensing platform for biopharmaceutical cultivation process high-throughput development and production

Relevant Publications and/or Research / Innovation Product
1. A. Russom, et al., Differential inertial focusing of particles in curved low-aspect-ratio microchannels, New Journal of Physics, Jul 1; 11 (2009) 075025.
2. I. Lashgari et al., Inertial migration of spherical and oblate particles in straight ducts, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 819, (2017) 540-561
3. J. Hansson et al., Inertial microfluidics in parallel channels for high-throughput applications, Lab. Chip., 12 (2012) 4644-4650
4. KT. Kotz et al., Clinical microfluidics for neutrophil genomics and proteomics, Nature Med. 16(9) (2010)1042-1047.
5. H. Ramachandraiah et al., Lab-on-DVD: standard DVD drives as a novel laser scanning microscope for image based point of care diagnostics, Lab Chip. 13 (2013):1578-1585