Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz-IPHT)
Leibniz-IPHT researches the scientific basics of photonic processes and systems of the highest sensitivity, efficiency, and resolution. In keeping with its “Photonics for Life” motto, Leibniz-IPHT develops custom solutions to problems in the fields of medicine and the life and environmental sciences that are based on this research. “From Ideas to Instruments”: they implement insights gained from their research into processes, instrumental concepts, and sometimes even into laboratory prototypes in order to sustainably contribute to the benefit of patients and consumers

Role and Commitment of key persons
(including supervisors)
Prof. Jürgen POPP, 5% FTE – Head of Dep. Spectroscopy/ Imaging: Supervisor
Dr. Christoph KRAFFT, 15% FTE – Head of Work Group Raman and Infrared Histopathology
Dr. Thomas HENKEL, 15% FTE – Head of Work Group Microfluidics
Dr. Iwan W. SCHIE, 15% FTE – Head of Work Group Multimodal Instrumentation

Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment
Leibniz-IPHT possesses an outstanding infrastructure including the complete value chain of linear and-non-linear Raman spectroscopy. Leibniz-IPHT is one the leading Raman spectroscopic institutes in Europe. Besides IPHT possesses the entire technology chain for the manufacture of optical fibres, making this institute Europe-wide unique. Leibniz-IPHT also hosts a research group working on synthesis of all sorts of nanoparticles. Leibniz-IPHT possesses an outstanding research infrastructure including a 1,000 m² cleanroom meeting ISO class 4 requirements and mechanical workshop of high standard.

Status of Research premises
Leibniz-IPHT is an independent research institute with formal ties to the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany.

Previous Involvement in Research and Training Programmes
- Coordinator HemoSpec: Advanced spectroscopic hemogram for personalized care against life threatening infections using an integrated chip-assisted biophotonic system (FP7-ICT-611682, 2013-2017, 3.7 M€)
- Coordinator Network of Excellence PHOTONICS4LIFE (FP7-ICT 224014, 2008-2012, 3.9 M€)
-Coordinator of -COST Action “Raman4Clinics” BM1401 (2014-2018) with a dedicated support scheme on Early Stage Researchers (STSMs). Leibniz-IPHT has been coordinating this exchange program for about 100 young researchers between the participating labs as well two high-class summer schools.
-Marie Curie Individual Fellowships e.g. PROBE, H2020-MSCA-IF-2014, 657115, 20152017 and CSIonGlass, PIIF-GA-2013-623248, 2015-2017

Current Involvement in Research and Training Programmes
Leibniz-IPHT provides recent experience with MSCA participating at the EU research and training programme, establishing:
- Coordinator of LogicLAB: Molecular logic lab-on-a-vesicle for intracellular diagnostics, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018-813920, 20182022, 4 M€)
- FINESSE: Fibre Nervous Sensing Systems, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-722509, 2016-2020, 4 M€).
- MIB - Multi-modal, Endoscopic Biophotonic Imaging of Bladder Cancer for Point-of-Care Diagnosis (H2020- PHC 667933, 674,000 €, 2015-2020)
- Coordinator of IMAGE-IN: Imaging infections: integrated, multiscale visualization of infections and host response, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Industrial Training Network (H2020-MSCA- 861122, 2020-224, 1.3 M€)
- PHAST: Photonics for Healthcare: multiscAle cancer diagnosiS and Therapy, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-860185, 2020-2024).
Leibniz-IPHT is key partner of the Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) - an academic centre of scientific activities in the fields of optics and photonics - running successful academic programs for young research scientists. The ASP provides education programs with multi-disciplinary coverage of optical and photonics technology field topics, ranging from current scientific aspects to engineering, with product applications possible in major economic sectors such as information and communication technologies, medicine and health, manufacturing and energy consumption.

Relevant Publications and/or Research / Innovation Product
Schie IW, Rüger J, Mondol AS, et al. High-Throughput Screening Raman Spectroscopy Platform for Label-Free Cellomics. Analytical chemistry 2018;90:2023-30
Freitag I, Beleites C, Dochow S, Clement J, Krafft C, Popp J. Recognition of tumor cells by immune SERS markers in a microfluidic chip at continuous flow. Analyst 2016;141
Dochow S, Beleites C, Henkel T, et al. Quartz microfluidic chip for tumour cell identification by Raman spectroscopy in combination with optical traps. Anal Bioanal Chem 2013;405:2743-6.
Kiselev R, Schie IW, Askrabic S, Krafft C, Popp J. Design and first applications of a flexible Raman micro-spectroscopic system for biological imaging. Biomed Spectrosc Imaging 2016;5:115-27