Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena
Friedrich Schiller University Jena is funded 1558 and provides 10 Faculties with all subjects from Humanities to natural sciences and medicine. Optics, Photonics and Photonic Technologies is one of the FSU’s current five priority research areas. The FSU forms in close cooperation with several non-university research institutes an internationally visible biophotonics network. This has been materialized by the establishment of the two centers Abbe-Center of Photonics (ACP) and Center for Medical Optics and Photonics (CeMOP) hosting the major research efforts in optics / photonics and life sciences / biomedicine in Jena.
Role and Commitment of key persons
(including supervisors)
Prof. Dr. Juergen POPP, 5% FTE, chair for Physical Chemistry, Institute for Physical Chemistry (IPC).
Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment
The Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC) of the FSU is a spectroscopic research centre with the main research focus lying on the development and application of innovative frequency-, time- and spatially resolved laser spectroscopic methods and techniques to mainly address biophotonic questions. A vast number of (micro)spectroscopic equipment including almost the complete value chain of Raman based technology is available. Furthermore, IPC with its partner the BMBF funded research campus “InfectoGnostics” possesses a very good research infrastructure for working with biological and medical samples (e.g. S1 bio lab) and to perform spectroscopic studies under security standards
Previous and current involvement in Research and Training Programmes
FSU Jena in general has wide experience in implementing EU projects (FP6/FP7/H2020) and other non-EU Training Programmes. The IPC in particluar has vast experience in implementing large collaborative biophotonic projects:
- Research Campus InfectoGnostics: Innovative diagnostics for pneumonia on immunosuppression – (BMBF 13GW0096F, 2015-2020, 1.05 M€)
- Fiber based multimodal imaging for endoscopic assessable diseases (Fiber Health Probe) – (BMBF 13N12526, 2013-2015, 1.06 M€)
- Research structure concept: Photonic analytics for biomedicine – optical and spectroscopic technologies for cell- and tissue diagnostics (Carl-Zeiss Foundation, 2013-2016, 1.0 M€)
- InnoProfile-junior research group: Jenaer BioChip Initiative (BMBF 03IPT513Y, 2012-2016, 1.13 M€)
FSU Jena is Partner in several ITN networks and other non-EU Training Programmes. The IPC is an integral part of the Abbe-School of Photonics (ASP) offering Master's degree and doctoral programs in modern optics and photonics. The ASP curriculum of the Master course “Photonics” offers courses in “Biomedical Imaging” and “Biophotonics”. The IPC was significantly involved in launching a cross-discipline and interfaculty Master program “Medical Photonics” which started from the winter term 2016/17 as part of ASP and CeMOP. Overall, ACP and CeMOP offer perfect conditions for a successful implementation of the planned research and education program.
Relevant Publications and/or Research / Innovation Product
Bocklitz T., Salah F.S., Vogler N., Heuke S., Chernavskaia O., Schmidt C., Waldner M., Greten F.R., Bräuer R., Schmitt M., Stallmach A., Petersen I., Popp J., “Pseudo-HE images derived from CARS/TPEF/SHG multimodal imaging in combination with Raman-spectroscopy as a pathological screening tool”, BMC Cancer, vol. 16, pp. 534/1-1, 2016.
Kloß S., Rösch P., Pfister W., Kiehntopf M., Popp J., "Towards culture free Raman spectroscopic identification of pathogens in ascitic fluid", Anal. Chem., vol. 87, pp. 937-943, 2015.