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H2020 FOSTER+ 

(via Technical University of Denmark, Legal Entity)

H2020 FOSTER and FOSTER+ (Coordination Support Actions under Science in Society 2014-2106 and 2017-2019) supported EC Open Science Agenda through training across all key actors in the Research & Innovation ecosystem, with particular focus on researchers at all career stages.

FOSTER+ Trainers can cover best practices, methodologies and tools at each step of the Research Workflow, from Open Notebooks, to Data Management, Data and Software publishing, Green and Gold Open Access to publications, Open Educational Resources, and Synergies and Conflicts between Open Science and Open Innovation.

The trainers can also deliver training at the cross-over between proposal formulation and proposal writing and Open Science integration in proposal design for the purpose of optimizing the academic and socio-economic impact of the research proposals.

Foster Infographic


Role and Commitment of key persons

(including supervisors)

Ivo Grigorov (ORCID0000-0001-6264-802X ), will act as a contact person for the H2020 FOSTER+ (Grant Agreement 741 839) community of Open Science experts and trainers, and a trainer where relevant. The FOSTER+ Trainers have significant expertise in training the entire research and innovation ecosystem from EC Project Officers in the Societal Challenges, to Research Administrators, Librarians, Data Managers, but particularly researchers in all stages of their careers


Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment

As well as a community of trainers and research support staff, FOSTER+ can make available to the MSCA-ITN its FOSTER ToolKit & e-learning short-courses: of self- and e-learning short courses for basic Open Science training, prior to in-depth and customised discipline-specific workshops.


Previous and current involvement in Research and Training Programmes

FOSTER+ partners include research librarians, research support staff, data management, computer scientce, and fundraising (pre-awards) experts with experience in Open Science advocacy, policy analysis and formulation and training across research disciplines.

FOSTER and FOSTER+ were consecutive Coordination & Support Actions (CSA) as a result of which the partners are regular participants in Science-with-and-for-Society calls on Responsible Research & Innovation, as well as in H2020 Societal Challenges 2-5 calls in the role of Open Science experts and trainers for Research & Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovation Actions (IA).

IG is Member of the Steering Group for NordForsk “Key concepts and principles for design and critical interpretation of Nordic register-based studies”,

Member of H2020 NewHoRRIzon’s Social Lab on Open Science & RRI for Marie Curie Researchers, and

Advisory Board Member for H2020 GRECO: Fostering a Next Generation of European Photovoltaic Society through Open Science


Relevant Publications and/or Research / Innovation Product

FOSTER Open Science HandBook: 

FOSTER Open Science Taxonomy:

FOSTER Open Science CLINIQUE: individual consultation service to H2020 Applicants willing to integrate Open Science in Research Method Design as part of proposal:

FOSTER/OpenAIRE “Winning Horizon 2020 with Open Science” Brief for H2020 Applicants

Aleksic et al. An Open Science Peer Review Oath [version 2; referees: 4 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2015, 3:271 (

Full archive of FOSTER and FOSTER+ publications on

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