Work Package 2
MONPLAS will provide highly significant inter-disciplinary and multi-sectoral training to enable the development of technologies for micro and nanoplastic detection and enumeration, principally in water. The influence and detection of micro and nanoplastics are not covered by local university learning programmes and given their necessary multidisciplinary and intersectorial approach are best taught within the framework of an ETN that includes specialist academics, and industrialists serving the food/drink and environmental monitoring sectors.

MONPLAS is therefore designed to equip the next generation of ESRs with the ability, exposure and understanding to coordinate the required bench-to-water research. ESRs will gain full appreciation of water quality management, applying a wide range of advanced cutting-edge techniques to do so. The involvement of four instrumental and two water supplying/testing companies as participants will expand the training capabilities, nurture exposure to multi-disciplinary and inter-sectoral collaborations as well as enhancing employability and future directions at the end of the ETN period. ESR innovative training will be underpinned within a business and entrepreneurial-like environment. OpenScience will be integrated into the project with an aim to make the research more reproducible, transparent and fuel OpenInnovation.